Abstract Writings, Abstract Thoughts
Jean Boghossian
From 19 April until 15 September 2024
Thursday 18 april 2024, 8pm
Jean Boghossian (Aleppo, 1949), a Belgian artist of Armenian and Lebanese descent, creates a non-conformist body of work that explores a wide range of media, such as paper, canvas, wood, and the artist’s book. His work is part of the collection of the Wittockiana, where he has already exhibited a selection of Saved Books (Phoenix). This new exhibition, Abstract Writings, Abstract Thoughts, reveals a hitherto unseen aspect of his work: his writings on art, a constant element in his practice for many years. These “notes” provide insight into the creative experience, serving both as a companion on his artistic journey and as commentary on life and the world. This collection of writings, at the intersection of inner reflection and a perspective on the world, reveals Boghossian as an artist-thinker. His reflections, in dialogue with his pictorial creations addressing issues of support and texture, offer a compelling insight into the depth of his work.