+32 (0) 2 770 53 33 info@wittockiana.org
Bookbinding and gilding courses


Created within the Wittockiana, the bookbinding workshop offers a complementary energy to the museum, each day giving new momentum to creative bookbinding.

The courses are given throughout the academic year by experienced bookbinding instructors and take the form of technical guidance adapted to the creative projects of each student. They are intended for beginners as well as for advanced students.

These workshops allow students to develop their own creative work while discovering or perfecting their technical skills in a collective workshop.

Practical informations

The flat rate is 30€ per course. There is also a small additional charge for materials.

For more details regarding registration and payment, the course schedule or any other additional information, please contact the trainers directly.

Angeline Guzman - Tuesday from 9.00am to 12.00 pm

Angeline Guzman (Replacement for Marie-Joëlle de Villenfagne)
Tuesday from 9 AM to 12 PM

After working for several years in public publishing, Angeline trained in bookbinding through a Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude in bookbinding and gilding in Paris, followed by a bachelor’s degree in Book and Paper Design at ENSAV La Cambre. Her work combines an editorial/graphic perspective with artistic bookbinding to showcase works where content and form are given equal attention.

This course aims to teach you how to bind your own books and/or work with existing ones. The program focuses on acquiring basic bookbinding techniques (case binding, sewn board binding, perfect binding, accordion books, Bradel binding, etc.) as well as some fundamentals of box-making (creating boxes, slipcases, etc.). Students can choose from a range of simple or more complex techniques based on their preferences and skill levels, with the goal of adapting to each individual’s needs.


+32 499 84 67 99

Thérèse Quertinmont - Wednesday from 9am to 12pm

Thérèse Quertinmont

Wednesday, 9am to 12pm

Trained at the Institut des Arts et Métiers and the Académie des Beaux-Arts de Saint-Gilles, Thérèse Quertinmont is a bookbinder and leather gilder. Passionate about the world of bibliophilia, she applies her precision and creativity to the books entrusted to her.

This workshop aims to adapt to the desires and needs of each participant, regardless of their initial skill level. It could be discovering the fundamentals of bookbinding to creating complex personal projects, including an introduction to leather gilding or learning a variety of techniques. The idea is to offer a welcoming workspace with the necessary technical support and guidance, allowing everyone to progress at their own pace.


+ 32 (0) 496 75 06 96


Junko Hayashi - Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm and 5.30pm to 8.30pm

Junko Hayashi

Wednesday, 2-5pm and 5.30-8.30pm

After studying Japanese literature and working as a librarian in Japan, Junko Hayashi discovered bookbinding at Kumiko Tochiori’s workshop in Tokyo, before continuing her apprenticeship at La Cambre’s bookbinding workshop, from which she graduated in 2006. Her work covers all types of binding, as well as artists’ books and book restoration. She has been an instructor at the Wittockiana since 2011.

The aim of the bookbinding course is to enable students to carry out their own projects, under the supervision of the teacher, and to learn the appropriate techniques, depending on the programmes on offer. The course is run with a small number of students (max. 7).
Beginners start with the basic techniques in modules of around 10 lessons. Programme: case binding (basic hardcover binding technique); accordion binding, seam binding, Japanese binding, book folding, boxes.


+32(0)479 88 18 76

Song Yi Han - Thursday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and 13.30 pm to 16.30 pm

Song Yi Han

Thursday from 9:30pm to 12:30pm and from 13.30pm to 16.30 pm

It was through contact with paper that Song Yi Han discovered her interest in books. She discovered bookbinding at the Recto-Verso workshop in Seoul and continued her training at ENSAV La Cambre, where she graduated in 2017. She works for individuals, artists and micro-publishing, including publishing personal works.

The course is aimed initially at beginners. Using simple bookbinding techniques – assembly, folding, simple stitching, casing, etc. – the instructor invites students to understand the structure of a book. The progress will be at the participant’s own pace, as they learn the appropriate techniques and come into contact with the materials they are working with.


+32 (0)496 70 33 07


Clara Gevaert - Friday from 9.15am to 12.15pm

Clara Gevaert

Friday, 9.15am to 12.15pm

A graduate of ENSAV La Cambre in 2005, Clara Gevaert works with bibliophiles and booksellers as well as with contemporary artists and publishers specialising in contemporary art. She also teaches bookbinding at La Cambre and at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Marche-en-Famenne, as well as at the Atelier du Livre in Mariemont.

From the simplest sheet assembly to the most complex binding, the course is aimed at all levels of learners. The aim is to help each participant bring their projects to fruition. The programme is based on the gradual acquisition of basic techniques for beginners (simple stitching, casing, folding) and the mastery of more advanced binding techniques (bradel and passe-carton) for the more experienced. A great deal of attention will also be paid to boxes and other containers, whether they are designed to protect or to showcase a book or an object.

+32(0)497 37 77 17

Camille Stoffel - Friday from 2pm to 5pm

Camille Stoffel

Friday, 2pm to 5pm

A graduate of ENSAV La Cambre, Camille Stoffel is a bookbinder and graphic designer. Her interest in books is wide-ranging, from micro-publishing to bibliophile books. She examines the challenges of contemporary bookbinding and the current perception of the book as a medium in constant evolution.

While opening up a wide range of creative possibilities, the aim of this course is to provide tools that will be useful to everyone in creating their publishing projects. The book will be approached as a space for conceptual and technical reflection, through the discovery of different binding and cartonnage structures at all levels.

Individual support will be offered in a group workshop, with the aim of exploring new forms of publishing, opening up the field to artists’ books, object books, etc.



+32 (0) 474 11 90 20